How to Straighten Hair Without Using Heat?

There are many desires a woman has, One of the desire is to get straight, beautiful and flawless hair. There are ways by which you can get your hair straighten. But the process causes damage to the hair as the hair undergoes a severe chemical process which does great harm to the hair causing hair fall and hampering hair growth. This is not a wise way so let your hair straighten in the best way. Here in this article, we will go through some natural process to straighten hair without using heat.

How to Straighten Hair Without Using Heat?

Straighten Hair Without Using Heat

1.) Comb to Straighten Hair Without Using Heat

You should comb your hair with a medium or fine toothed comb and if possible try to get the wooden once as they are suitable and best for the purpose. Choose the comb according to you hair thickness. Comb your hair regularly and if you want you can brush your hair for the same. Take some hair clips and divide your hair into different sections. Do remember that each section should contain hair from the top of the head including strands from the back of the head and lower sides of your head. To avoid the mixing up of the hair use clips use clips to secure top section of your head.

2.) Shampoo and Condition Your To Straighten Hair Without Using Heat

There are various products in the market that can help you to straighten your hair and maintain them too. Choose a product which does not contain chemical products and use it in the right amount. Vigorous use of any product can be harmful to your hair so use it on alternate days or once after 2­3 days. Do not forget to rinse the products properly because that too can cause damage to your hair.

3.) Anti-Frizz Serum for Straight Hair

Frizzy hair is the worst thing that can happen to your hair. It gives you the worst messy look, messy looks are in vogue but this fizzy mess is a clear display of unhealthy hair and how untamed your hair can be. Anti­fizz conditioner and serum are the most effective for this purpose. Use the serum every time you shampoo your hair.

4.) Use Rollers to Straighten Hair Without Using Heat

You can use rollers to get straight and solved hair. Get some large curlers and put in your hair. It’s better to go for large curlers they work effectively on the small curls. Rollers are effective only when you leave them for a remarkable time. Use clips to secure the hair at the upper section. This will help you to put the lower section of the hair into rollers gradually you can work for the upper section. For thick hair, it becomes a bit difficult so divide hair into 3-­4 sections for the purpose. Start rolling from the ends towards your head. Go step by step that is from one section to the next.

5.) Use Rubber Bands for Straightening Your Hair

Straighten Hair Without Using Heat

This is also an effective and safe way to straighten your hair. For this here are the simple steps. For this purpose be prepared with a bunch of rubber band. It is an easy way to straighten hair without using heat.

  • Damp your hair. For this purpose, you should moisten your hair sprint some water thoroughly and comb your hair using a medium or fine comb or brush. Damp your hair as much that it should be dripping wet.
  • Use small rubber hair bands that come in a plastic bag at most drug stores.
  • You can also use a bunch of wrapper elastic bands or scrunched for the purpose if, you are worried about pulling out hair with the rubber bands.
  • Divide hair into ponytails with the help of comb or brush. Tie the pony low and loose.
  • Tie the pony with rubbers keeping a gap of an inch only, do not tie them too tight. Just tie them to secure the hair. Start from the point closer to the roots to the ends keep them for several hour and take it off carefully one after another from the ends.

You can check this video to have a clear idea of how to use the rollers and clips for straightening your hair.

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