15 Spiky Hairstyles for Men

This article is about 15 spiky hairstyles for men. Women have a lot of options when it comes to hairstyles. Men are restricted to a few. Well, this is not the case always. There are a number of gorgeous hairstyles that a man can try for himself. Talking about very short hairstyles, spikes hairstyle is the one that a man can try in different ways. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the best spiky hairstyles for men.

 15 Spiky Hairstyles for Men

1.) Wet Spikes 

When we talk about spikes, men generally go for the gel to set their spikes. Gel gives your hair a wet look and makes you look really charming.

2.) Long Pointed Spikes 

This is also one of the most amazing spiky hairstyles that you can try for yourself. If you have a little longer then you can make it pointed on the top.

3.) Combed Back Spikes 

If you are looking for some kind of spikes then this is the finest way for you. Combed back spikes appear gorgeous and give you a gentlemen look.

4.) Side Shaved Spikes 

If you want your hair to look cool and funky then you should definitely go for this hairstyle. This is one of the nicest hairstyles that you can go for.

5.) Spikes for Denser Hair 

If you have dense and a little curled then you should definitely go for this hairstyles. This will give you a completely different but charming look.

6.) Spikes with Faded Hair 

This is another awesome looking hairstyle that you can try for yourself. What you have to do is get the faded cut and then go of those spikes.

7.) The Symmetric Way 

This is one of the coolest spiky hairstyles for men. In this hairstyle, your hair gets the symmetric shape and you will love the spikes for sure.

8.) Be Like Beckham 

Who doesn’t like this man’s hairstyles? This is also one of the best from his hairstyle treasure box. If you are looking something for your next date, you can surely go for this one.

9.) Long Spikes 

This is also one of the most dazzling hairstyles for men. If you are looking for something cool then you are going to love this one. Just keep your hair messy and go for spikes.

10.) The Mohawk Way 

You can also give your hair stylish look and make it like a Mohawk. Here you need to make spikes at the back as well. This is one of the most ravishing spiky men hairstyles to be tried.

11.) The Highlights 

You can make the spikes appear funkier with the red highlights on. This will give you a different look and will also help you be the popular guy at school.

12.) Golden Highlights 

You can also go for the golden hairstyles if you want. This helps you get a party ready look and you are going to love this hairstyle for sure.

13.) Spikes with Undercut 

You can also go for this hairstyle in order to make yourself different from other. This hairstyle will surely help you get all the positive attention.

14.) Designed Undercut

If you want to try something different with you undercut then you can surely go for different cut designs and flaunt your style.

15.) Combed Sides 

This is also a cooler hairstyle that you can try for yourself. Combed sides look wonderful and give you an amazing looking haircut.

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