How to Straighten Your Hair?

This article is about ways to straighten your hair. Everyone likes sleek and straight hair. They are easily manageable. On the other hand, fizzy and curly hair are normally unmanageable and get tangled easily. Apart from that, straight are trendy as well. You can carry them with every dress and you can also try different hairstyles with them. But, not everyone is born with naturally straight here. To get straight hair, women usually go for straighteners and iron. These styling tools give you straight hair but also takes away moisture from hair. But, you can use the iron once in a blue moon, like for some special occasion. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the best ways to straighten your hair.

Ways to Straighten Your Hair with Iron:

Iron is the quickest way to straighten your hair. It gives you straight hair for immediate use. If you have to straighten your hair at a very short notice or you have to attend some party immediately after your work then going for iron is the best way for you. Here are the steps that you can follow to straighten your hair with the straightener.

1.) Wash Your Hair Properly

This is the very first step that you need to follow in order to straighten your hair with the iron. You should wash your hair properly with your regular shampoo. You should make sure that your hair are not greasy or oily. Iron doesn’t work well on oily and greasy hair. Also, avoid using conditioner. The conditioner also adds moisture to your hair and thus iron would not work.

2.) Dry Your Hair

You should make sure that you have dried your hair properly. Blow drying is a good option in this case. Drying your hair may retain some moisture in your hair but drying your hair with a dryer ensures that your hair is not moist. Also, dry your hair upside down. It also helps straighten hair to some extension.

3.) Use Iron to Straighten Your Hair

Now it’s time to use the iron. Before using the iron, you should comb your hair properly. You should make sure that your hair is not tangled. It is better to use hair protectant spray before straightening your hair. Now, take flicks of your hair and place it between the rods. Now, drag the straightener down. Do it with all the flicks. And finally, use the straightener like you are combing your hair.

Home Remedies to Straighten You Hair:

We have discussed the ways to straighten your hair with an iron. Now, if you want to keep your hair straighten for long then also there are several remedies that you can go for. These remedies are natural and will help you keep your hair straight for longer.

1.) Eggs to Straighten Your Hair

Egg is one of the most effective remedies to get straightened hair. To get straighten hair, you have to use it with olive oil. Both the ingredients work great together. Follow the given steps to use it:

  • Take a bowl and beat two eggs in it.
  • Add four tablespoons of olive oil to it.
  • Mix the two ingredients well and apply on your hair.
  • Cover it with a shower cap and leave for 45 minutes.
  • Wash your hair with regular shampoo.

2.) Coconut Milk to Straighten Your Hair

Coconut milk is also rich in properties that give straight and natural hair. It has moisturizing properties and it nourishes your hair well. Also, coconut oil helps you get shinier and lustrous hair. Along with that, it is also rich in antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties that help avoid various problems like scalp infection. Follow the given steps to use it:

  • Take a glass jar and pour a cup of fresh coconut milk to it.
  • Also, add one lemon juice to it.
  • Mix it well and place the jar in the refrigerator for a few hours.
  • After a few hours, you will find a creamy layer on the top.
  • Now massage your scalp with this cream and leave for twenty minutes.
  • Now wear a shower cap and wrap a hot towel around it.
  • Allow the towel to be there for thirty minutes.
  • After thirty minutes, wash your hair with your regular shampoo and do not forget to use conditioner.
  • When your hair is still wet, comb them nicely and then allow to dry on their own.

3.) Hot Oil Treatment to Straighten Your Hair

Hot oil treatment is also a great option to keep your hair straightened for longer. Hot oil treatment nourishes your hair and gives you smooth and straight hair. The warm oil relaxes the wavy and curly pattern of your hair and thus helps you get straight hair. The best oil to choose for hot oil treatment is coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil or sesame oil.

  • Take any of the four given oil.
  • Heat it in the microwave for 20 seconds.
  • Now massage your scalp with the warm oil for twenty minutes.
  • Now comb your hair nicely for even distribution of oil. This will also help avoid breakage.
  • Now wrap your hair with a hot wet towel and leave for forty minutes.
  • Now, wash your hair with your regular shampoo.
  • Comb your hair gently with a wide toothed comb.
  • Comb when hair is still wet and allow them to dry on their own.

4.) Milk Straighten to Your Hair

Milk is also an important ingredient used to nourish the hair. It is rich in moisturizing properties that help straighten hair. Apart from that, milk is high in properties that make hair smooth and remove fizziness. You can use milk in two different ways:

  • Take one cup of milk and add one tablespoon of honey to it.
  • Also, add four mashed strawberries to it.
  • Apply this mixture on your hair.
  • Cover your hair with a towel and leave for two hours.
  • Now, wash your hair with your regular shampoo.
  • Comb your hair with a wide-toothed comb and allow it to dry on its own.


  • Take a bowl and add a half cup of milk and a half cup of water to it.
  • Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  • Now spray the mixture on your hair and comb your hair nicely.
  • Allow the mixture to get absorbed for thirty minutes and then shampoo your hair nicely.

5.) Aloe Vera Gel to Straighten Your Hair

Aloe Vera gel is also an amazing ingredient that would help you get straight hair naturally at home. It penetrates hair easily and nourishes your hair. What you have to do is:

  • Take a bowl and add a cup of Aloe Vera gel to it.
  • Also, add an equal amount of warm oil to it.
  • Add rosemary oil and sandalwood oil to it (six drops each).
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it for two hours.
  • Wash your hair with your regular shampoo.