How to Take Care of Your Hair?

Taking care of your hair is as important as you take care of other health and skin problems. Keeping hair care should be one of your top priorities if you love your hair and don’t want to damage it or lose it. Beautiful hair adds to your personality and your image to beautify you. When your hair feels good automatically as a person you feel confident and happy. Moreover, hair care is important to prevent hair loss and other hair problems like dandruff, hair fall, hair thinning, oily scalp and etc. Thus, it is essential to take good care of your hair and this is only possible when you use natural products. Check out some tips on how to take care of your hair and some useful tips and tricks to keep your hair healthy and strong.

Best Methods to Take Care of Your Hair

1.) Wash Your Hair Properly

Washing hair is one of the important steps to take care of your hair. Washing hair too often can lead to dry hair and wash off all natural oil from your hair. It may damage your hair as well. So shampoo you hair twice a week to prevent hair problems like dry hair, frizzy hair and rough hair.

2.) Choose Right Shampoo

Choosing right shampoo is another important step to take care of your hair at home. Try choosing sulfate and Paraben free shampoos. Sulfates make your shampoo lather up, whereas parabens are preservatives that cause eye problems and irritation in the eye due to prolonged usage. Both the elements are harmful to your hair. Try to choose natural cleansers that won’t lather up much but is effective on your hair.

3.) Right Type of Conditioner

Just like the shampoo, it is also necessary to have a good quality hair condition that matches your hair type. It is recommended to condition whenever you shampoo your hair. Once in a week try deep conditioning for healthy and moisturized hair. Try homemade solution or buy some good product to deep condition to take care of your hair. Give hot oil massage to your hair every week for smooth and soft hair.

4.) Rinse Your Hair with Vinegar

Rinsing your hair with vinegar twice a year is important. It makes your hair shinier and cleaner. Moreover, it helps removes all the buildup and residue formed due to shampoos and dyes. So wash your hair twice with vinegar. To use this method, just add 1 cup of vinegar to 3 cups of water and rinse your hair with it. Leave it for 5-10 minutes then wash it off with normal water. This is one of the best methods to take care of your hair naturally.

5.) Eat Healthy

This is one of the best methods to take care of your hair naturally. It is important to have a nutritious diet and a healthy lifestyle if you want healthy and beautiful hair. Drinking water is very important for overall health as well as hair health. Try including protein, lentils and meat in your diet as they are a good source of Vitamin A and other minerals useful for hair growth. Hence, eat carrots, green leafy vegetables, and cod liver oil to have strong and long hair.

6.) Avoid Styling Products

This is another best way to take care of your hair. You should minimize the use of hair styling tools and products. Using harsh chemicals on hair can damage your hair in long run. Hence, it is recommended that you use natural products and avoid chemical based treatments. Also, minimize your use of hot styling products like hot rollers, curling iron, flat iron and hair dryers. All these result in dry and damaged hair that further leads to hair fall, hair thinning and dandruff problems.

7.) Stop Brushing Too Much

Brushing helps regulate blood circulation to your scalp thus promotes hair growth. But brushing too much also affects our scalp and hair. It results in frizz and split ends. Moreover, it can damage your hair making them brittle and dry. So try brushing your hair 6-7 minutes for good blood flow. Make sure you are not brushing harsh, so gently and slowly comb your hair well.

8.) Avoid Dying Your Hair

This is another best tip to take care of your hair at home. Dying your hair or treating them can take a lot out of it. People who do not go for expensive hair treatments and hair styling don’t experience same problems over and over again like dry, damaged hair or over-processed hair. So it’s best to avoid hair dying rather give them a break and keep it natural and simple.

Some More Tips:

  • Don’t take much stress as it can lead to hair fall and hair thinning.
  • Do meditation, it can be very helpful to release all your stress.
  • Oil your hair overnight with natural oil this makes your hair looks shiny.
  • Don’t use hair sprays that also damage your hair.
  • Even if you using heat on your hair make sure you use a protective spray to avoid the effect and less damage to your hair.
  • Never sleep with wet or damp hair. This will make hair strands brittle and weaken the follicles.
  • Don’t use more shampoo than you require. Use shampoo depending on your hair length is the best option.
  • Let your hair dry naturally and avoid blow drying to avoid hair stress.
  • Always rinse your hair with cold water or lukewarm water.