How to Make Your Hair Grow?

In this article, we are discussing several ways to make your hair grow faster. No woman in this world is satisfied with her hair. Hair is one of the important accessories a woman can carry to look beautiful. They are often connected emotionally with the hair, so woman always wants that extra care for her hair to look good. In this article, we have listed simple and easy ways to make your hair grow faster and naturally.

Simple Ways to Make Your Hair Grow

1.) Avoid Cotton Pillows

This is one of the best methods to make your hair grow. We spent 9-10 hours lying on our pillow. A cotton pillow has a rough texture and creates friction that can cause damage to your hair. The cotton pillow also absorbs moisture from your hair making it dry. So it is recommended to use silk pillow as they are less get in contact with your hair and also helps comfort sleep.

2.) Don’t Shampoo Regularly

This is another best tip to make your hair grow faster. Regular shampoo washes off your natural hair oil that results in dry and brittle hair. It is very important to have extremely oil hair at the ends. So it is recommended to shampoo twice a week. Always choose best quality shampoo and products that suit your hair. Make sure you shampoo every time you wash your hair.

3.) Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet is very important to make your hair grow naturally. Include essential vitamins like A, B, C, E and zinc, copper, magnesium, selenium etc. vitamin B is most important among them, it helps grow your hair faster. Incorporate vitamin and mineral rich diet like cheese, chicken, yogurt, salmon, broccoli, avocado, oats, grapefruit, carrot, lettuce, orange etc. Also, consume food rich in omega-3 fatty acids like flax seeds, walnuts, beans, olive oil to make your hair grow naturally.

4.) Use Castor Oil

Castor oil is very helpful to make your hair grow faster. Castor oil is rich in vitamin E and fatty acids that help promote hair growth naturally. To try this method, take some castor oil and coconut oil in equal amount and mix it. Castor oil is quite thick so it is recommended to at other natural oil. Massage with this mixture on your scalp and hair well. Keep it for 30-40 minutes and then wash it off with normal water. Repeat this mixture 2-3 times a week for best results.

5.) Massage Your Scalp

Massaging your scalp also helps make your hair grow faster. It helps regulate blood flow to the scalp, which in turn promote the hair follicles. Deep condition your hair 1-2 times a week with a hot oil treatment keeps your hair smooth and moisturized. To try this method, follow the steps given below:

  • Take coconut oil, olive oil or almond oil.
  • Warm the oil a bit.
  • Apply this warm oil on your scalp and gently massage with fingers.
  • Keep it for 30-40 minutes then rinse it off with normal water.
  • Repeat this method for 2-3 times a week for best results.

6.) Stay Stress-Free

Stress is another important factor to that result in hair loss and hair fall. It is believed that stress can disturb the normal hair cycle and activate hair to enter the telogen layer or fall-out phase. Thus, stay stress-free to make your hair grow longer and stronger. In order to manage your stress, try meditation, exercise, relaxation techniques and breathing exercises. Also, it is important to get beauty sleep of 7-8 hours that helps manage stress as well.

7.) Don’t Brush Too Often

This is another important factor that helps make your hair grow faster. Brushing your hair helps circulate blood flow to the scalp. So every day brush your hair for 10 minutes. But brushing in the extreme can also have a diverse effect on hair and scalp. It is recommended to brush your hair 3-4 times a day. Keep mind that you gently brush your hair and avoid combing unless explicitly required. Brushing helps release natural hair oil that spreads to the end hair strands. Remember, not to comb wet hair as it results in split ends and hair loss.

8.) Try Natural Hair Packs

Applying hair pack also helps make your hair grow faster. Hair pack consists of different benefits necessary to grow your hair. There are a variety of ingredients like avocado and olive oil, banana and olive oil, yogurt mask, egg mask according to your hair type. You will find everything in your kitchen to prepare a hair mask. Hair mask helps moisturize your hair making it smooth and silky. So try hair mask 1-2 times a week for best results.

9.) Trim Your Hair Regularly

It is necessary to trim your hair in order to make your hair grow faster and naturally. You can cut your own hair at home or try visiting a salon once in 3-4 months. It helps trim down your rough, dry hair and split ends. It is important to balance hair growth. People with dry and damaged hair are more prone to split ends and they know how nuisance they can be. So trimming helps reduction of split ends and maintains a good hair growth.

10.) Drink Enough Water

Drinking water is very important factor in order to make your hair grow naturally. Drinking water is necessary for keeping general health. It helps you treat several stomach problems as it says every health problem is associated with stomach only. So drink enough water as it helps removes unwanted toxins from your body. The Same way our hair also relies on water, lack of water can lead to dehydration in the body thus a leading problem to several health problems. It is recommended to drink 7-8 glasses of water a day to keep your body hydrated.