How to Dutch Braid?

Dutch braid seems to be a very complicated hairstyle. It looks difficult but the fact is that it is very simple to make. You can do different hairstyle using dutch braid. You can make a dutch braid band and customize your hairstyle. Side swept dutch braids also look elegant. There are many hairstyles for special events with the dutch braid. Dutch braids even look good on kids you can try toddler dutch braids on kids. No doubt they look complicated but in reality, they are very easy to make. Do you know haw to make a french braid? Then this should be easy for you, dutch braid is inverted french braid. The braids are made by the winding of hair strands of different sections. In dutch braid, the three braids are intertwined in a way just opposite to the french braid. Here in this article, we will go through steps to make dutch braid.

How to Dutch Braid?

1.) Prepare your Hair for Dutch Braid

Brush your hair remove the tangles. If you have dry and fizzy hair then spray some water to tame the hair. If you don’t want to braid your bangs keep them apart brush them aside.

2.) Part your Hair

Part the hairs on the top and separate them from the others. You can include the bangs if you wish. Be careful to start this section on the hair directly above your forehead. If you wanted to start the braids from the top of your head. You can take a section from the top of the head.

3.) Split the Hair into Three Sections

After taking out the divided part split it into three parts. The braids are made by intertwining the tree strands.

4.) Cross the Strands

Now we need to intertwine the strands. So firstly cross the right strands under the center strand.

5.) Cross the Other Strands

As the braids are made out of intertwining of the strands. So, after crossing the right strands under the center strand you have to do the same with the left strand. Cross the left strands under the center strand.

6.) Cross the Strands Again 

In order to make the braids, you need to intertwine. So, repeat the steps. The pattern and cross the right strands under the center strand later cross the left strands under the center strand.

7.) Pick Smaller Section

After repeating the process cross the right strand under the center. Pick up another small section from the right side of your head.

8.) Pick Another Small Section

After picking up a section from the right side of your head this time you have to pick up a section from the left side of your head.

9.) Add More Hair to Dutch Braid

In order to make the braid, you need to add more hair. In order to add hair just pick up small strands you cross the strands from the left or the right side.

10.) Continue

Continue to braid your hair to the nape of your neck. Some girls prefer a long braid you can braid it till your desirable length. Later use an elastic band and tie it up tightly. You can also make a messy bun with the braid using pins.

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