Avocado Oil for Hair Growth

This article is about ways to use avocado oil for hair growth. Avocado oil is packed with all the essential nutrients such as minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that hair needs to grow. In a contemporary world where people hardly have time to take care of their hair, this oil comes handy and quickly nourishes their hair. Baldness, dandruff, hair fall, scalp infection stops the proper growth of the hair. Avocado oil treats all these hair problems and gives you lustrous and long hair. Read more, to know more about avocado oil and ways to use avocado oil for hair growth.

Benefits of Avocado Oil:

  • Avocado oil draws out the extra moisture from the scalp.
  • It removes frizz from hair and is light as compared to other carrier oils.
  • It prevents hair loss.
  • Avocado oil treats dandruff.
  • Regular application of avocado oil gives you shiny and longer hair.

Ways to Use Avocado Oil for Hair Growth:

1.) Use Avocado Oil For Hair Growth as Carrier Oil

The easiest and the best way to use avocado oil for hair growth is to substitute it with your regular hair oil.  Like other hair oils such as olive and coconut oil, it does not clog the pores of the scalp. Moreover, it easily penetrates the skin. For added benefits you can mix carrier oils in it before applying the oil. For best results use your fingertips to apply oil on the head. Gently massage it in the circular motion for a few minutes. It will promote the blood circulation in the hair shafts that will eventually encourage hair growth.

2.) Avocado Hot Oil Treatment

Hot oil treatment with avocado oil is the best way to use avocado oil for hair growth. It will nourish your hair shafts and moisturise the scalp which will help in hair growth. For hot oil treatment  mixes 4-5 tablespoons of avocado oil with a few drops of coconut oil. Heat this mixture for a few seconds until it is warmed enough to be applied on hair. You can also add essential oils lavender and rosemary in this mixture for a spare benefit. Before applying this mixture wash your tresses thoroughly and spread this solution evenly on the scalp, covering roots to tips. Make sure you massage your scalp with fingertips, this will promote hair growth. Then cover your head with a shower cap. You can also cover your head with a warm towel. It will help to absorb the oil in the scalp. Leave it for a half an hour and then rinse your tresses. Do this twice in a week.

3.) Avocado Oil Conditioner

To condition your tresses and provide them volume you can make avocado oil conditioner at home. It is also a good way to use avocado oil for hair growth. For a homemade avocado oil conditioner, you will need 2 tablespoons of avocado oil and olive oil with a tbsp of honey and 2-3 tablespoons of yogurt. Blend all these ingredients thoroughly and apply it on your damp hair. Then cover your head with the shower cap and leave it on for 20-30 minutes. Then shampoo them. However, use an herbal or natural shampoo. Since the oil has worked as a conditioner so you won’t need to condition your hair after the shampoo.

4.) Homemade Avocado Oil Shampoo

Shampoos that are readily available in the market contains a huge amount of chemicals which gradually tends to damage your tresses. Therefore, one should use natural and homemade avocado shampoo. The homemade shampoo does not have chemicals and is packed with all the ingredients that are good for your hair. To make your own shampoo you will need a tablespoon of fresh Aloe-Vera gel, a teaspoon of vegetable glycerin, 1/4 cup of castile soap and avocado oil. Mix all the ingredients well. Your homemade shampoo is ready. Pour this shampoo in a bottle and before using shake it well.

5.) Combine Avocado Oil with a Hair Conditioner

Another way to use avocado oil for hair growth is simply mix it with your hair conditioner. If you are running out of time and can’t prepare an avocado conditioner at home then just mix some avocado oil with your hair conditioner. After shampooing your tresses rub the mixture of conditioner and avocado oil on your palms and apply it throughout the length of your tresses. Do this 2-3 times week to get long and voluminous hair. It will improve the texture of your hair and help them to grow at the faster rate.

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